Homer Ranch Preserve
Homer Ranch Preserve protects 1,819 acres of working landscape along a mile stretch of beautiful Dry Creek in Lemon Cove, just northeast of Woodlake. This preserve is open to the public weekends only, from November 1-June 1.
Dogs are allowed on leash - owners must pick up and discard any pet waste. Check our online calendar to learn about public programs and special events at Homer Ranch. Homer Ranch has a parking lot, information kiosk, and trails available during open hours.
The ranch is home to a significant portion of one of the largest, healthiest, and last remaining sycamore alluvial woodlands in the world and extensive blue oak woodlands. The area serves as a critical wildlife corridor for a variety of species such as resident and migratory birds, mule deer, and mountain lions, and provides an important link between Dry Creek and conserved land to the northeast.
SRT purchased this property in 2004 from Stephanie and Richard Homer, whose great, great grandparents homesteaded the area in the late 1800’s. Today, SRT manages the ranch for rare habitat protection, livestock grazing, and public education and enjoyment.
Located outside of Lemon Cove. From Visalia, travel east on Highway 198. Take Highway 216 toward Woodlake. Follow west 1/2 mile and turn north on Dry Creek Road. The Homer Ranch Preserve is located five miles up Dry Creek Road on the right.
Homer Ranch, east of Dry Creek Preserve, is open on weekends during the non-fire danger months. The ranch offers beautiful spring views for hiking.
How to get to Homer Ranch Preserve
If you'd like to visit Homer Ranch Preserve...
Unless drought conditions prevent doing so, Homer Ranch Preserve reopens annually on November 1 on WEEKENDS ONLY, from sunrise to sunset. This SRT preserve closes every summer on June 1 due to fire danger. However, closure dates are subject to change based on conditions.
Photo Permit Program
Learn more about SRT’s Photo Permit program for professional photographers.
Sequoia Riverlands Trust is a nonprofit organization whose priority is to keep our preserves open to the public. There is no fee to visit our preserves, but visitor donations help us maintain these spaces for generations to come.
Donations can be online or left in the onsite secure donation box.
Reserve A Preserve
You can now reserve a picnic area at our beautiful Kaweah Oaks Preserve for a delightful outdoor experience.