Dry Creek Preserve
Dry Creek Preserve is a 152-acre former gravel quarry located just northwest of Lemon Cove. This nature preserve, now fully restored, is the first example of an ecologically-based aggregate mine reclamation in Tulare County. It is open from dawn to dusk, 365 days per year.
In 2004, California Portland Cement Company retired their Dry Creek gravel operations and donated the property to Sequoia Riverlands Trust. The 12 years of gravel mining operations significantly altered the Dry Creek streambed and resulted in the loss of numerous mature sycamores and valley oaks. This caused significant damage to one of the largest and last remaining sycamore alluvial woodlands in California.
Since 2004, SRT has partnered with community members, educational institutions, and other conservation organizations to re-establish natural stream patterns and restore the land's woodland vegetation with hundreds of oak and sycamore plantings and native grasses. Now, Dry Creek Preserve once again provides critical habitat for an ever-increasing population of resident and migratory birds and supports native species such as the great blue heron, golden eagle and herds of mule deer. The preserve is also a popular site for visitors every spring with its stunning wildflower show.
Dry Creek is also home to SRT’s Native Plant Nursery, where we grow native and drought-tolerant plants for both restoration projects at our preserves and the community. Check our Events page for volunteer days and plant sales, whose proceeds help fund our numerous conservation projects throughout Central California. You can also make a private appointment with our Nursery Manager, Ashley Robinson.
Dogs on-leash are welcome. Parking, an information kiosk, trails, picnic tables, and restroom facilities are available.
The combination of biological and environmental conditions necessary to host sycamore alluvial woodland habitat is rare. While the California sycamore is not an uncommon species, the sycamore alluvial woodland community is only found in 17 stands across central California. The community at Dry Creek is ranked third in size and health of all the remaining stands.
Photo Permit Program
Learn more about SRT’s Photo Permit program for professional photographers.
ABOVE: In 2021, Steve Rice Lake at Dry Creek Preserve was named by SRT and partner, Energy Upgrade California, who gifted three Californians the naming rights to natural landmarks on SRT lands for their contribution to conserving energy. Each winner joined the EUC "Keep it Golden" movement, showing exceptional commitment to reducing energy use in the name of preserving the environment. They were honored through the renaming of a piece of California, reminding Californians that every one of us has a role in the preservation of our Golden State. Winner Steve Rice renamed the pond at Dry Creek Preserve "Steve Rice Lake." Congratulations, Steve!
Dry Creek Preserve, 2 ½ miles east of Hwy. 216 on Dry Creek Road in Lemon Cove, is open every day from 8 a.m. to sunset during the months when fire is not a danger, usually from about Nov. 1 – June 1. The rest of the year, Dry Creek is open on weekends only. Hike or bring your dogs for a visit. SRT members may fish in the pond during events, and a disc golf course is coming in the future. Permanent restrooms on-site.
Dry Creek Preserve Photos
Sequoia Riverlands Trust is a nonprofit organization whose priority is to keep our preserves open to the public. There is no fee to visit our preserves, but visitor donations help us maintain these spaces for generations to come.
Donations can be online or left in the onsite secure donation box.
ABOVE: Dry Creek Preserve's spring wildflowers and broad vistas make it an attractive setting for professional film, video, and photography projects.
How to get to Dry Creek Preserve
Dry Creek Preserve is located at 35220 Dry Creek Road, Woodlake CA 93286, Located outside of Lemon Cove: From Visalia, travel east on Highway 198. Take Highway 216 toward Woodlake. Follow 216 west 1/2 mile then turn north on Dry Creek Road. The preserve is located two miles up up Dry Creek Road on the right.
Reserve A Preserve
You can now reserve a picnic area at our beautiful Kaweah Oaks Preserve for a delightful outdoor experience.