Inspire love and lasting protection of important lands with a gift to SRT.
Your donation to SRT is an investment in your future, your children's futures, and the future of the San Joaquin Valley and Southern Sierra foothills. Sequoia Riverlands Trust works to preserve land, wildlife and the agricultural heritage of this area, but we can only do it with your help.
When you support SRT, it means that hundreds of local students get a first taste of outdoors education every year. That family farmers can pass on their land to their children without financial hardship. That ranchers can learn the latest techniques for working with the environment, not against it. And that everyone can visit our nature preserves for hiking, bird watching, a celebration, or just to be alone in the quiet of nature.
Become an SRT Conservation Champion
Conservation Champions make a monthly donation to SRT to help inspire love and lasting protection for important lands. A monthly donation is an easy and secure way for you to schedule your gift. By automating the process, secure online donations enable SRT staff to be the best possible stewards of your contributions to the SRT programs you love. Just click the Donate button to set up your monthly donation.
Checks & Cash
If you'd prefer to mail us a check donation, our address is:
Sequoia Riverlands Trust,
427 S. Garden St., Visalia, CA 93277
Thank you for being a part of the SRT family!
Other ways to give!
Ways you can donate:
Stock or Securities
Contact the Investments & Partnerships office to learn about SRT’s simple stock or securities donation process.
Transfer the securities to the nonprofit's brokerage account.
Planned Giving
Speak with the Investments & Partnerships office about including Sequoia Riverlands Trust in your estate planning.
SRT can work with you and an attorney or financial advisor to set up bequests, charitable annuities, or trusts.
In-Kind Donations
Check the Investments & Partnerships office to learn about SRT’s wish list of needed items.
Donate the requested items or services directly to SRT.
Click the link below to complete an in-kind donation form
Gift Acceptance
SRT has a gift acceptance policy that defines our procedures for accepting donations of many kinds. You can view it by clicking the link below.
If you have any questions, please contact the Investments & Partnerships office.
Work Place Giving
Combined Federal Campaign #49724
Check if your employer offers payroll deduction for charitable contributions.
Complete the necessary forms or online instructions provided by your HR department.
Donor Advised Fund Giving Tool
Donor Advised Funds
You can use the form to the right (or below on mobile) to direct a donation from your DAF to Sequoia Riverlands Trust. It works with many of the top DAF holders= and is secure and simple
If you have a donor-advised fund, recommend a grant to the Sequoia Riverlands Trust.
Log in to your fund's website and follow the granting instructions, or use our simple tool to the right (or below).