Vice Chair

Mr. Tristao joined the SRT Board of Directors in late 2021 with over 30 years of experience working in the agricultural industry as an agronomist, executive overseeing environmental compliance for crop production and food processing services, and as a policy advocate who has influenced state and national legislation concerning agricultural and environmental issues. He has played an integral role in aligning agricultural producers with researchers and government regulators to create successful partnerships between stakeholders to address air quality from an agricultural perspective, and has, and remains, involved with producers, agricultural grower
associations, and Resource Conservation Districts to foster locally led concepts in addressing environmental resource concerns. Nationally, he was appointed to the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Air Quality Task Force, where their efforts resulted in the Memorandum of Understanding between the USDA and EPA on agricultural air quality research, the establishment of a research priority and funding recommendation, and a recommendation for national policy on implementing a voluntary incentive-based compliance strategy for agricultural producers. Mr. Tristao retired from an internationally known agricultural farming and processing corporation, however, through ADSUM SJV, INC., he continues to institute compliance programs and address State and federal environmental issues related to agriculture.