Director of Planning and Policy
Adam Livingston is Director of Planning and Policy at SRT and Coordinator of the Southern Sierra Partnership. Widely recognized as a leading voice on land use and conservation in the Sierra Nevada and San Joaquin Valley, he has built cross-sector coalitions to support conservation in city- and county-level general plan updates, regional transportation plans and other contexts. His work is informed by experience with conservation planning, in-depth policy research and collaboration with others. He has served on multiple boards and advisory groups focused on policy development and implementation, and has been chair or co-chair of leadership bodies ranging from the California Economic Summit’s Ecosystem Services Team to the Tulare Regional Transportation Plan Roundtable. Adam also has experience with the land trust accreditation process, including coordinating SRT’s successful applications for accreditation and accreditation renewal.
Adam has authored or co-authored multiple reports on land use, transportation policy and conservation funding, including Sustainable Communities Strategies and Conservation: Results from the First Round and Policy Recommendations for Future Rounds (2016), and Ecosystem Services and California’s Working Landscapes: Market Mechanisms to Revitalize Rural Economies (2017). He holds an Honors Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and classics from Xavier University (2001), a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School (2004), and a Master of Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2012).